Thursday 10 May 2018

BIG Changes happening in my Life..

Many of you who have known me a while, 
Know that I have had many changes and major knock backs in the last few years  

It has been TOUGH. 

I really didn't think I would
 get through it all.

Thanks to everyone who helped me. 

Splitting up with my husband, battling in courts, selling my home,
 recovering from the second bout of severe depression,  surviving major changes.. 

Getting back to work was a huge help . 
I didn't really think I could do it, but I did. 
It has helped me as it took my mind off things (to a certain degree)  
The night times are the worst . 
I still struggle at night . And even though it is nearly 3 years since he left . It is only 9 months since our divorce . 
Big life changers  

Well I am about to have another HUGE change..

Will keep you all posted..

Hugs to you all .


  1. A change for the better I think also. All will turn out well I am sure. Love you D & N xoxo

    1. Thank you.. All happening this week hopefully.. Love to you both xx will let you know.. How it all goes . Hugs.

  2. I also have my fingers crossed that things are beginning to look up for you, Anne. Sending you all good wishes xx

    1. Thank you Gaynor.. I thought I had answered these . Big oops. Will let you know how it goes.. Xx

  3. I hope your next 'big change' is a good one for you. Sending you my love xx

    1. Hopefully I will move this week Only a few months later. Thank you for lovely comment xox

  4. Hi Anne,
    We've never met in person but only on my blog where you left a comment 5 years ago. Just now roaming my site I came across your comment on one of my articles about Paris. I re-read your comment and for some reason, which I can't explain, I clicked on your name and wound up here. I'm sorry to learn of what you've been through. I've been through it myself and no matter what people would say to me about things will get better I could never believe them. But things do get better...I can attest to that. What you need to do is keep yourself very, very busy, which will help you move away from the bad stuff in your life. When I needed to go to the store, I would buy extra things I didn't need (maybe 4 shirts instead of 1) just so I could keep busy the next week returning the other 3. Little things like that keep you busy and help one heal. The best advice I can offer is to go out and meet new people by joining different organizations, especially if there are any for divorced people or widows and widowers. You'll make it to a much, much better time in your life. Jim

    1. Hello.. Thank you for such an encouraging message. Strange that after five years you re read my message. I think you have given me great advice. Thank you.


Thank you to everyone for commenting, it certainly makes my day. A pleasure to see everyone of you. Old and New.. Blogging not only opens up the world but gives us new friends.