Saturday, 20 October 2012

Where shall I Begin …..

I know I will start here …
7th September  about 11 am ..
in Oxford

The day I met
Leslie from Vancouver

Her blog  The  Pedalogue  is brilliant  , great photos and so much to read !!
Take a look for yourselves , you will not be disappointed.
Here is Leslie as she comes through the barrier at
Oxford Railway Station
OUR first time in meeting  -  !!!

We have been following each others blogs for
quite a few years now, we finally got to meet for

I took her  on one of my tours of  Oxford ,
had a fab day, lots of chat , coffee, lunch and dinner !!!

I have taken  two others on the same route,  Dawn and  Diane ,  unfortunately when
Leesa and Barbara came over,
 the weather was not kind to us.  Next time !!

More to come on this day out  with more photos!!


  1. OMG...we had such a fantastic time that we were able to continue in London a few days later! Tomorrow, I'm posting O is for Oxford so drop by and see some of my photos from our day out! Hugs!

  2. It certainly sounds as if you had a lovely time, and Leslie looks like a lovely, happy lady! How wonderful to meet her, all the way from Vancouver!!

  3. What fun meeting cyber friends. I hope one day I get to go on your tour, and you're always welcome to visit me here in Ohio, but I bet you'd rather wait until we settle in the south of France.

  4. Your blogging friends are so lucky to have you for a tour guide!


Thank you to everyone for commenting, it certainly makes my day. A pleasure to see everyone of you. Old and New.. Blogging not only opens up the world but gives us new friends.