Wednesday, 20 March 2013

What has happened to my blogging??

I have not forgotten


nor have I



I have lots of photos to sort
out and then something else comes

Time is actually flying past us,
I am sure it is going faster than last year,
or is it I seem to be doing more and more??

I will leave you with this photo ..

NOT Rouen but OXFORD..

Little hint to my next post ..

In the meantime,
I hope that you are
all well and busy. Not too busy to blog :-)


  1. We all know we are not forgotten. It is good that you are busy and have your time full. Take care and keep warm Diane oxo

  2. Hi Anne,
    That is life, my dear. We each have our activities and get sidetracked.
    You are sweet to think of your friends.
    Have a great week and be well.

  3. Anne, Always love to see your photos and hear about your adventures.

  4. Hi Anne. SOrry I'm checking in so late! As you say, the time just whizzes by. I do wish it would slow down just a little! Beautiful stained glass window. See you again soon and I hope you are keeping well. Take care x


Thank you to everyone for commenting, it certainly makes my day. A pleasure to see everyone of you. Old and New.. Blogging not only opens up the world but gives us new friends.