Wednesday, 9 January 2013

New Camera – Test drive ……

Well the  camera is new to me!!

So used to my point and shoot little digi

that using one with a zoom lense , and other

things I am not used to is hard !!

So on my way to have a morning coffee and chat

with my friend Sarah, I took a few photos..

I wonder what the people thought…..

who is this mad woman with her camera LOL



 DSC_2149 Dsc_2136 Dsc_2138 Dsc_2139 Dsc_2144  DSC_2147Dsc_2145 Dsc_2148





  1. Great photos! I love the putto in the last one. Where is that? Happy 2013!

  2. I think the test drive was a success.

  3. Super pics, Anne.

    I love the ones with the water droplets. Keep up the good work, I would never have guessed that the camera is new to you. Bravo

  4. Hi Anne. You have done very well with your new camera! It's difficult when you start using a new one, isn't,s the apertures and ISO settings that i just can't get my head round!

  5. Excellent! Pictures are very nice. Nothing green here except Pine trees and holly. xo

  6. Anne they are very good. We are looking at buying a new camera as mine gave trouble in Casablanca and I lost 92 photos! Luckily Nigel took quite a few as well so not quite all was lost. Keep warm Diane oxo

  7. Well done Anne, these photos are great.

  8. lovely photos... sometimes i think i would love a nice big camera rather than my point and shoot, other days i just use my iphone.. I expect there is a time and place for them all :-) x


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