Sunday 18 July 2010

An Award for you ....Thank you to you all ……

for all my wonderful comments and my new readers.

I have tried to reply to you all and call into

your blogs. If I have missed you,

Sorry, I will be over to you soon.

This is for you all.


I do hope that you put your award on your blog!


  1. Bonjour Anne,
    SOmetimes it is hard to keep up, but no worries my friend. You are a wonderful friend too!
    bon Sunday,

  2. Hi Mimi.. Thank you :-) Bon Sunday to you too, and I hope you have a wonderful week.

    Bit envious at the moment as my son and his girlfriend are going to Paris tomorrow, til Friday .. Anne

  3. I love the little red shamrock at the bottom of this award!
    Hope you have had a good weekend. I am chasing the kids around on a chilly Monday morning trying to get them ready for school!

  4. Beautiful award, beautiful you, Anne!!

  5. Thank you sweet friend..happy new week to you. xo

  6. Hello Anne,
    thank you for your visit and glad to hear that you'll be back soon in your favorite Paris!
    Happy monday to you!

  7. Bonjour Anne,

    Merci à toi, ma chérie :)
    You know that it is always a pleasure stopping by. Life is making me less online now, but good friends always stay in touch no matter what.

    Big hugs xx

  8. What lovely image, Anne. Sending lots and lots of love your way. xxx

  9. How pretty. I will definitely put it on my blog! x


Thank you to everyone for commenting, it certainly makes my day. A pleasure to see everyone of you. Old and New.. Blogging not only opens up the world but gives us new friends.