Monday 3 February 2014

Another first - Another postcard - Thank you Linda...

My lovely  blogger friend
Linda (LindyLouMac)
went on holiday to
Burma , amonst other places
and with all her travelling
she thought of me and my collection.

We have not met up yet , but hope to soon

Linda has amazing blogs , yes blogs and is also
a very avid reader.   She has a book review blog,
LindyLouMac's World in Photos AND Travel Tales

If you do not already follow or read Linda's blogs,
please do , you will be amazed, definitely not disappointed!!.

So go on, take a peek .
This is a first from  

This  is the Shwedagon Pagoda
also known as the Great Dragon
and Golden Pagoda.
According to legend
 the  Pagoda has existed for more than 2,600 years,
 making it the oldest historical pagoda in Burma and the world.

All the history is in the link above, if you are interested.




  1. Certainly different Diane .. lovely to get a card from a new place. Have a good week too , xoxo

  2. Hi Anne. Always lovely to receive a card from somewhere new. Burma certainly looks like a wonderful place for a visit, and I'm sure Linda will have so many memories to look back on. You are right, of course, Linda has some amazing Blogs!

  3. WOW! That is just... amazing. 2600 years? I have no words. Stunning.

  4. Myanmar was a wonderful experience and I am delighted you found the postcard interesting Anne, and thankyou so much for your post and praise for my blogs. Here's hoping 2014 will be the year we meet up, probably on an Ark the way it keeps raining!!!

  5. Once we get traveling I'll send you a card xx
    What a lovely thing to do Linda x

  6. I always enjoy Linda's blog too. Burma's temples always seem unbelievably exotic, like the ones in thailand.

  7. I bet you are one of the very few people who has a postcard from Burma. I love sending and receiving postcards.


Thank you to everyone for commenting, it certainly makes my day. A pleasure to see everyone of you. Old and New.. Blogging not only opens up the world but gives us new friends.