Monday 14 October 2013

Anyone for a Guiness??

On our recent trip to London ..
(myself, Barbara and Didier)
for Jennifer and Peter's wedding,
Didier wanted to go for  a Guiness
(not my favourite drink but I had one and so did Barbara..
so where was the best place to go ??
The Auld Shillelagh in Stoke Newington .

Looks like a very small pub but it goes
way back and has a garden too.

  I do not have a photo of the outside  but you can tell from the picture
above the width , little bit wider inside but still not wide.

Cameras always out !!

A very Irish pub, very friendly and didn't mind us taking photos .
(Yes I know it is an Irish pub , with Irish beers etc paraphernalia,
but it also had Irish staff, that does not always happen)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



  1. Those are the best sort of Irish pubs!

  2. Glad you found that place and had your Guinness!
    Jen xxx

  3. Brilliant Anne, looks like a great place :-)

  4. Hi Anne. What fun photos today. I haven't drunk a Guinness before, but my old granny used to have one every day, and she attributed it to her living to be 101!! I have visited the Guinness factory in Dublin, which is very interesting.

  5. Looks like Guinness is some sort of ale, is it? I would not have liked that, but I'd have had a whiskey! :D

  6. What a lovely little Irish pub. I love Guinness but our favourite in s.Africa at our local Irish pub was Kilkenny beer. Take care Diane xxoxx P.S this is my third time at trying to publish this comment - hope it will work - I am signed in but Google says I am not!!


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