Friday, 31 August 2012

Flowers in a neighbours garden …

Today I went to a  house,
in the next street to me
and asked if I could practice taking
flower photos in their garden ..
A lovely elderly couple that I have never
even spoken too.
It took a while to explain what I
was going to do with them ….
The blog …!!!!

garden 14

garden 10garden 2
The Cosmos is native to Mexico, but the lady of the house,
did say that they grow all over the land in South Africa,
where her friend lives.
garden 3
Spot the bee flying !
garden 4
garden 12
garden 5 

garden 7 garden 8
garden 15
garden 9
garden 11
I think secretly they were very happy that
someone really notices their garden..
You cannot miss it .. it is beautiful when in
full bloom!!


  1. LOVELY PHOTOS! Looks like its a gorgeous day there!

  2. I love your close-up flower shots. The bees look furry.

  3. Anne I am sure that they were over the moon that you thought their garden was good enough to take photos of. Cosmos grow all down the sides of the roads in South African and during the season the country is just stunning. I have a lot in my garden here just to remind me of S.A. Have a great weekend, Diane

    1. Your garden is lovely too, and if I was there, Photos would be taken ..:-) Yes they were delighted that I had stopped by and asked :-) Have a good week and weekend xx

  4. I bet they were pleased! Lovely photos. i do like the Cosmo.

    1. They were very pleased indeed, I wanted to show them on the computer my blog, but they don't have internet. thanks Liz

  5. A beautiful weekend bouquet--how cheery!

  6. The couple you visited will no doubt be talking about your visit for weeks.

    It's always nice when someone takes the trouble to notice and comment on your hard work. You probably made their day!

  7. Lovely photos Anne, you really seem to be enjoying photography recently.

  8. Beautiful photos of lovely flowers. I have found that people love it when you stop and comment on their gardens. A few weeks ago, I did a similar thing when the owner was watering some plants in the front. She then gave me a personal tour of the back yard, which was even grander.

  9. I reckon they will have been chuffed to bits to have been asked and the photos you took look wonderful. x

  10. How very gracious of your neighbor to allow you to photograph in her garden. There is a garden about a kilometer up the mountain from us and they always have an assortment of lovely blooms in their large front yard. I don't think I could ever get up the nerve to ask if I could take pictures of their flowers, but whenever the signora sees me walking the dogs, she always call out a greeting to say buongiorno!

    1. Hello Rowena, I think "be brave" and ask them I am sure they would be overjoyed, that someone notices their garden and loves the flowers, just as this couple did with me.. :-) If they already say buongiorno , :-)

  11. Lovely photos Anne, you really seem to be enjoying photography recently.


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