Saturday, 3 September 2011

A walk in Paris with Karin .....

..... Starting at the Place du Chatelet square and the
Palmier Fountain.

I met up with my lovely friend Karin, for a walk
to see different sights.  When you have someone
with you who knows the places to go, it makes a
huge diffence, and Karin is so much fun to be
with and very very knowledgeable. 

We walked for miles, but it didn't feel like it.
As we chatted, and chatted.  Our cameras
were at the ready.. Looking left, right and up and down!!

Our walk took us from
Place du Chatelet to Jaures....

Not in a straight line though.. we went along the river for a bit
and via the Hopital St Louis.

Thank you Karin :-)


  1. Great photos, you always find such interesting place in Paris that I have never seen! Take care Diane xx

  2. Hi Anne. Great photos of Paris today (I actually recognized a couple of the views!). What a lovely walk you must have had with your friend. As you say, it makes such a difference if you are with someone who knows the area. Hope you are having a good weekend.

  3. I felt like I was with in Paris. Thanks for the photos and the tour.

  4. Just love the image of you and Karin walking in Paris!

    Thanks for the photos too - just great!


  5. Hi Anne,

    My goodness; that IS a long walk! But, Paris is a city for walkers.
    And, friendship always make the miles seems much smaller :)

    Nice pictures! Wow; the statue up above the statue looks really close-up with your zoom.

    I know that you will have other chances to be in Paris.

    Warm hugs,

  6. "We walked for miles, but it didn't feel like it."

    Well, not while we were doing it, no. :) The friendship made it seem a lot less far, but I know at the end of the day I felt the distance, lol. We really walked miles!! And actually, too, with regard to the map, we actually followed the Canal Saint Martin the whole time, I think, instead of going up Sébastopol. But what I can't remember is exactly how we got from the fountain to the base of the canal not far from République. Man, we walked that day!! :D

    I love your photos, Anne. Thanks for sharing and thanks for letting me know about the post!


  7. It's new territory for me! Bet it was a fun walk,especially with a friend!

  8. Hello Ann,
    oh that's indeed a long good road but really enjoyable, i'm sure...ah c'est beau Paris ! :-)
    Hope you're having a great week end...

    ps : re Christmas, yes i do agree with you a 100 times....i just can't believe how every year, Christmas is forced upon customers earlier and earlier in northern Europe

  9. Lovely post - I just returned from Paris and it really was magical - so lovely to follow your route!

  10. Nice walk! I just saw Midninght in Paris in the cinema and I am fascinated with the city

  11. I love the fountains and statues in Paris, their lovely leafy squares and avenues. I am long overdue a visit.


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