Saturday 29 January 2011

Taking a blogging break…..

I hope not for too long!!

Think January Blues are here,

husband started travelling again today,

son not quite sorted, weather not

good .. so generally feeling a bit low!

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I don’t even think low is the right word…

maybe a bit stuck!!

Always  one of the questions for

me at the beginning of the year is ..

What am I doing???












  I hope you enjoy just a few of the

flower photos I have taken in the last few years.

Will be back soon….

until then

Take care

and Thank you to you all.


  1. Anne hope you get rid of those blues soon, we will all be here when you get back to blogging again.
    You have your break in February coming up so that it something to look forward to.
    I am looking forward to having a day out with out in the next couple of weeks, we will have to find lots to laugh about :))))
    Take care and keep warm. Hugs Diane xx

  2. Anne - I'm so sorry to hear that you are feeling a bit low - January blues indeed. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could fly off for some sunshine right now. Still bitterly cold down here in Devon :( Sending positive thoughts for your son. We'll all still be here when you're ready to return. Until then, try to spoil yourself a little and take care. Those flower photos are wonderful by the way. Thank you for letting us see them.

  3. BIG HUG to a beautiful friend.

    Do what you need to do but don't forget about taking care of YOU. Everyone needs you (I can relate to that as a mother) but you can't really be there for them if you aren't there for yourself (I am working on that myself as a woman).

    Lots of love,

  4. I know just how you're feeling - I slept 16 hours last night and kept having nightmares that relate to what I'm going through right now. I would love to escape and lie in some sunshine, too, but as your beautiful photos indicate, summer will come again and we'll be able to immerse ourselves in the scent of happiness again. Sending hugs!

  5. Bless you Anne. I'm just starting to think about coming back and you are taking a break! Really look forward to seeing more of your posts when you are feeling ready for it and back in blog land. I shall be thinking of you and sending supportive thoughts your way. x

  6. I know how the January blues feel..

    Take care, the rejuvenating spring will soon be here :-)

  7. Enjoy your time away and rest up! We are all here waiting and hoping you feel better.

  8. January and February are the worst months. No wonder half of Positano moves to Thailand in this period!
    Beautiful flowers!!!

  9. Beautiful flower photos. Inspirational.
    All the best.

  10. Are you kidding? I love the photos!
    I'll be here when you get back. Take care of yourself.
    Your Friend, m.

  11. We will miss you ANne. Rest up and take care - your flower shots are gorgeous!
    Bon courage,

  12. Sorry you're feeling low. We all need a blogging break now and then so take care and come back when you're ready. xxx

  13. Hi Anne.....

    Pretty soon your "January Blues" will be bloomin' into SPRINGTIME!!! Take the time you need - we'll ALL be here when you feel more like blogging again...

    Talk to you soon...

    Oh yeh.. And thanks for leaving us with some EXTRAORDINARY photos of flowers- Just gorgeous- that's what I'm looking forward to when I get back to la France!
    Hugs, Leese

  14. Well, take a break if you need to, but just know I'll be here ready and waiting to hear from you again when the timing's right. Hope you find some sunshine in your life today!


  15. Hi Anne,
    I feel your blues! I dislike these winter months too.
    HUGS Today the sun shone and I went outside and put on my sunglasses!
    Love your flower pics! And don't forget to take your vitamin D! Helps with the blues.

  16. Salut ma chère, I know what you mean with the question and the blues... Take your time, try to answer those questions and don't forget to ask others for help or for a chat. I look forward to seeing you back online when you're ready. Take good care of yourself and feel free to email if you want to. Love from London xo

  17. May you be filled with the hope of Spring, dear Anne! Thank you for dropping by. You cheered me up today!


  18. Hi Anne,
    My dear friend; this low blogging point happens to us all! We are humans go up and down.
    Winter is rarely a blog showcase peiod; the weather sap your motivation and there is not much of activities or travel.

    Just hang in there...
    Like these beautiful flowers. The bud will sit and develop, sometimes for a long time, and then
    the petals will open.

    You just have to find your sunshine.

    Big hugs. I will miss your blog but, I know that you need the break.

  19. Oh how I emphathise with you...all accross the 'Blogs', people are feeling just as you do..
    I, like Leslie sleep long hours, much to the dismay of my husband, who seems to be increasingly cross with me. I'm having to take Morphine for pain relief, re 4 slipped discs; Whilst this does the job, it makes me increasingly drowsy during the day....Roll on the Spring...Take care Anne and look forward to yournext sojourn in France.

  20. Anne, Does there have to be a big plan? Sometimes enjoying life is the best plan. Thanks for sharing all the great adventures you have.

  21. Anne, i am sorry it has taken me a whole week to get here and comment! Forgive me but you know what it is like, at least we can now say thank goodness January is behind us. I have come across quite a few bloggers feeling like this, in the last few days. These photos are gorgeous, hopefully you will be back soon when you find your blogging mojo again. Meanwhile keep in touch. xx

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. I know how it is when my husband has to be gone for long periods of time because of work... I feel so lonely sometimes. I hope that you are able to find a comfy little corner of happiness during your time off. I think those times of struggle, sadness, and pressure force us to deepen our roots and experience true growth. It makes us appreciate those times of joy all the more. Wishing you a "happy ending" to the winter blues.

  24. I'm new to your blog and just became a follower, I paint ceramics to. I'll have to post some of them on my blog... I love the pictures of your flowers, just gorgous! Jennifer

  25. Good luck to you Anne.

    Your flowers photos are stunning.

  26. I love YOU and your blog.Happy Break. Wish I could let go and do that. Maybe one day...! :)

  27. You're taking beautiful photos, that's what you're doing.

  28. Hope you are feeling better now with hubbie returning home now.

  29. I know exactly how you feel. Now that I'm basically stuck at home I've been feeling lethargic of late. And the winter ain't helping either. But spring is around the corner and inspiration will be in full bloom! Forza Anne!!


Thank you to everyone for commenting, it certainly makes my day. A pleasure to see everyone of you. Old and New.. Blogging not only opens up the world but gives us new friends.