Friday 18 December 2009

Our Holidays this year were in France.....

in the Alsace area...staying with friends in Blotzheim.

We Flew

Where our friend Micheal was there to meet us and take us to Blotzheim, so close for us, it was amazing!
The area is wonderful and the houses amazing, so after settling and having a chat and a cup of coffee, Micheal went back to work, Arni had a rest and I went out with my camera!! It was so different to any France I have known, as it is not only so close to Switzerland but to Germany too! Has a very German look!

I will be back soon with my photos I took as I wandered around!!


  1. I love your photo of the tiny airplane on the map. Very cute! I hope you are enjoying your countdown to Christmas.

  2. How lucky to have friends to visit there. You may never have gone otherwise.
    You have some great arial shots!

  3. These are great Anne! Had some snow in Paris which was a treat. Very cold right now-hard to believe I'm saying that coming from Chicago! Have a great week.

  4. I love that area. It doesn't seem like France at all to me.

  5. Wow, fantastic shots! Happy Holidays to you! xo Lucy
    PS can't wait to see all your shots!

  6. Beautiful...and as usual, I wish I was there. Merry Christmas

  7. Bonjour Anne,

    Wow !! So cool :) You know that I love those types of shots too :)

    I'll be looking forward to seeing your holiday pics.
    Catch you soon online.


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