Sunday 23 August 2009

Walking in Paris......

Yesterday I decided to go for a walk, from the Ecole de Militaire up passed Les Invalides...over to Concorde and Jardin des Tuileries.. everywhere was packed out, and it was quite hot, people lying about under the trees or where they could get shade.

I was actually making my way to WH Smiths on Rue de Rivoli, to see if I could catch Kim B there, also to have a look at the display in the window of the book Handmade in Paris by Pia. Her display was still standing , it looked great.

I met up with Kim, she was working,but we managed to have a small chat, which was lovely....had a look round and bought a few books. After this I thought I would try to find a very small bar/cafe, that Caroline and I went to once!!

All I could remember that it was in a street coming off Rue de Rivioli...I kept walking , and walking...and hey I found it, and the owner was sitting outside having a break....I just said Bonjour and he said How are you!! He remembered me, which was lovely. He used to work in The Randolph in Oxford. He introduced me to his friend Carol and we had a great chat. He was very pleased that I came back, I was in the area, so I thought if I can find it, that would be great!! I cannot find him on google but I do have his cafe address back at home.

I was there at least an hour, in that time also, a lady and her daughter from Bucharest came and sat next to me..we chatted for ages, and she now has my blog address, interesting if anyone comments here. I was right opposite a metro, so I caught it home.. .made it back and then went out for dinner just around the corner.... I don't mind doing some things on my own, but having dinner out is not one of them...I would like someone to share my day with.

I have lots of photos, having problems saving them on my note book.


  1. wow Anne you are doing great I would never go and eat out on my own...don't mind having coffee on my own but not a meal out . Enjoy the rest of your trip and i will look forward to reading all about it :-)

  2. How fantastic to be in Paris again! Enjoy each day, and I'll be looking forward to the photos!

  3. Hey Anne, it sounds like you're having a great time. Good for you for exploring a new place on your own! Hope you continue to enjoy Paris.... Looking forward to the next installment!

  4. Hello Anne. Thankyou so much for your kind words =)

    So you're in Paris!! Wow, that is one beatiful city is'nt it? I've never been there but I'm hoping that I can go there one day!

    Have a lovely week (what's left of it) and enjoy your stay =)


Thank you to everyone for commenting, it certainly makes my day. A pleasure to see everyone of you. Old and New.. Blogging not only opens up the world but gives us new friends.