Thursday 28 August 2008

French Cheeses

Last night, I was invited round to a friends for normal wednesday night get-together, and we were just going to have a light snack with wine. My friend and her husband have just returned from France, and they treated us to some lovely cheeses. I took along some crackers, parma ham, chorizo and some lovely little cherry tomatoes. We had a great time, chatting, drinking and eating..

Oh how could I forget these...

UPDATE:- Photo sent, it is the top one!!


  1. little 'snack-meals' like this are my favorite. Nothing beats wine, cheese, and friends.

  2. he, he... I was just asking for cheese for my whine and you provided. French cheese too!

  3. Olives.. something I have grown to love since meeting Geoff.. sounds like a great night :-)

  4. I love cherry tomatoes with cheese-that combo is my favorite. My best loved "meal" is cheese, cracker, cherry tomatoes and some wine.

  5. Mmmm, what could be better than cheese and olives ;) Well, I guess some wine would be good too!!

  6. Oh gosh! From America to France! I'll pass on the olives, but the cheese - oh I CRAVE the cheese!

  7. Hi Anne,
    Your friends are so nice to share these lovely cheeses with you ;)
    I love cheese and since living in France, even more. Though I have not tasted all- there are hundreds of cheeses !

    Have a nice weekend

  8. Hi everyone..thanks to all for the lovely comments...Yes what more could you ask for..only thing missing was France!! It was a good night though.

    Erin - Nothing beats this little 'sanck-meal' favourite.

    Sally ....yummy olives..I didn't used to like them..can't get enough of them :-)

    Corine - that was a 'meant' to be, don't you think!

    Cherrypie - was delicious ...thanks :-)

    Linda - oh yes, yummy, and I took some lovely crackers I found in the supermarket, they were from Liguria!!

    My Melange - don't worry, wine was there as well, couldn't leave that out. :-)

    Leslie - you will have to give olives another go, I managed to persuade one of my sons to try one again :-)

    Barbara - The cheese counters in France just amaze me, so difficult to pick..I normally get a small piece of a few....yummy. Lovely of my friends..we had a really good night Thank you. Have a good weekend. :-)

  9. Hi Erin...that should of been 'Snack'...ha ha :-)

  10. Anne, it all sounds absolutely perfect. My favourite meal is a Parisian buffet, whether in Oxfordshire (you) or Australia (me) ... yum!

  11. Looks wonderful. I wish I could have been there!

  12. What a lovely feast, my kind of favourite food.

  13. Is that a chevre I spot in the top right handside? Lucky you! Can't get it here - my favourite was the Somerset one though.

  14. Does life get any more perfect? You are a lucky friend. Yum!
    Cheese is my favorite food.

    Hope you are well Anne!


  15. What could me more perfect than dinner of great cheeses, coldmeats and wine? The simpler the better, I say.

  16. What a delicious gift they brought! Which was your favorite?

  17. Thanks once again folks for all your comments :-)

    All these cheeses were great...I can't think really say I had a favourite though.

    I am going to look at Chez Loulous list of cheeses...write them down, and go to a cheese stall that is in our indoor market in Oxford. I must remember to take my camera next time!!!


Thank you to everyone for commenting, it certainly makes my day. A pleasure to see everyone of you. Old and New.. Blogging not only opens up the world but gives us new friends.