Thursday, 20 June 2013

A little gift ..............................

Last year when I was in Harrods Perfumery department ,
I got a little spray of a perfume ..
It was
I have held out buying a new perfume
LOOK what is in Olivia's hand !!
Merci to my eldest son and his wife Claire ♥
This  week , they surprised me with it ,
as a THANK YOU gift, for having
Olivia while they moved house and got it all
sorted ,, A huge surprise and a FAB one,,


  1. Hi Anne. What a lovely surprise gift from your son and his wife. That was really sweet of them. I can imagine how pleased you were! Hope you're enjoying your time with Olivia. Judging by your comments on facebook, she's a real laugh!!

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  3. Happy belated birthday Anne ! You're a lucky lady...and with an upcoming trip to Paris, you're super lucky! Hope summer is coming your way :-)
    xo Lala

  4. I have had a couple of bottles of samples of a German perfume called Carrerra, I just love it, but do you think I can find it anywhere to buy some!! Lucky lady you have your favourite as a gift. Take care. Diane xxoxx

  5. Olivia is a cutie and is being raised to appreciate fine perfume as well! Congratulations and I hope that your summer solstice was filled with music.


  6. Oh, and I posted a photo of a Marais window ad for La Petite Robe Noire a few months ago.


  7. That is so thoughtful. Lucky you for the perfume; lucky them to have a sweet grandma for Olivia.

  8. And I am sure Olivia was a lot of fun to have, too! so definitely a win win situation then.


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