Sunday, 12 August 2012

A Quick Note …..

Having been away from the computer

for a whole week,

I have lots to catch up with.

I need to sort out

my photos, catch up with

people and blogs.

So I am going


leave you with these

beautiful words.

A little plaque I bought whilst in Cornwall


Hope you all have a wonderful week.



  1. What a lovely sentiment! Just heard from Ellee and we will be going for lunch in Ely on Sept 2 - if you can make it, that would be great. Otherwise, you & I will meet up later.

    1. Cannot wait, Jennifer said it is going to be fun!! :-)

  2. Fantastic words Ann, I hope that butterfly not only lands on your shoulder but stays there. Have a fantastic week. Diane

  3. Just love that little plaque with such a lovely saying. I am always on the look out for little signs like that, and have quite a few dotted around the house!


Thank you to everyone for commenting, it certainly makes my day. A pleasure to see everyone of you. Old and New.. Blogging not only opens up the world but gives us new friends.