Wednesday 2 November 2011

Fab Four ........

Not 1, 2 or even 3 ... but 4 Fab postcards from my blogger
friends who have been away..

The first one is from Abbey .. who sent me a card from

Macarella in Menorca .....

beautiful clear seas and sunshine ....that is what I need!!

Abbey has a wonderful blog , Happy Frog and I, which is
full of interesting posts,
a joy to read, so I hope any new readers go over and
have a good read. I love her blog.

Linda sent me a surprise postcard from Hong Kong,
where they(Linda and husband) spent a fab holiday their daughter.

Linda moved to Italy with her husband in 2004, as
an adventure (and empty nesters!!), I am sure they made the right choice,
and they live in such a beautiful area.

Her blog is full of adventures and photos of life in Italy
and of course other trips they have been on!!!

The "Star" Ferry - Victoria Harbour - Hong Kong

The city all lit up!

My friend Jennifer LOVES Ireland
and LIVES in PARIS!!!

She went on a tour for 10 days,
ended her trip in Dublin, had fun
and meeting of family too.

Jennifer used to blog, I hope this
trip can entice her back, we would
all love to see more photos...
Wouldn't we!!

I know her job does keep her VERY busy.
A very well deserved break :-)

and Di (aka Trubes) sent me a wonderful
card from their (husband Ian)  trip to Northumberland
where she met up with a blogger....
and had a fantastic time.

She thinks of me whenever they are on a trip!!!!

Alnwick Castle  - Northumberland

A HUGE thank you to you ALL
A great surprise and to get them
them within  a day of each other
was amazing!!


  1. Real live postcards and no emails or Tweets? Amazing! What good Friends you have.

  2. Hi Mark .. Yes real live postcards. Amazing and I have only met one of these good friends. Hopefully will meet the other 3 sometime too. Thanks for calling in again.

  3. Bonjour Anne,
    Wow; that was some wonderful dash around the world!!
    Hong Kong makes me think of my Dad. He loved stopping off there whenevever his ship was there.

    Yay for Ireland and Jen, too!

    I loved see these cards and the fascinating places behind them.

  4. Hi Anne, lucky you to receive these lovely postcards and spread over a couple of days.

  5. Great cards :-) Taking a 5 min break!! Diane xx

  6. really a nice collection of postcards from all over the world and because I am missing sun I would probably chose now Menorca:)

  7. Hi there Anne. How lovely to see you here today, and what a super surprise to get FOUR postcards from your friends. That must have cheered you. I have been following Linda's trip to Hong Kong and Thailand with all the lovely photos on facebook. Looks like they had a fantastic holiday! Hope you are keeping well my friend and that your ankle is completely mended now.

  8. Lucky you! You must have quite the collection by now. I must see if I can find another one for you.

  9. Hi Anne

    Love the postcards! Thanks for wishing Marina a happy birthday!!!

  10. HI Anne It's so nice to get postcards! Nice Friends you have.
    Thanks for wishing Marina happy birthday!

  11. Hi Anne!
    I like Mark's comment!! It's true!
    All great Post cards.
    Happy Autumn to you!


  12. Hi Anne, I was excited to see a post from you and drew the wrong conclusion you were writing about the Beatles, what a lovely surprise was in store! So glad you got 4 postcards including mine within a few days and that you enjoyed them all. I could do with a bit of Menorca sun right now if I'm being honest!

    Take care of you,


  13. Glad you got my card. It's so nice to get 4 postcards! Just had to say I went to La Consigne again. I always think of you when I go there!

  14. Makes the world feel a lot smaller when blogging friends stay in touch around the world. You are rich with friends!

  15. Hello Anne, so glad you liked my card, Each postcard you received is quite stunning in such a diverse way. My award goes to the picture of the stunning cliffs and sea in Ireland, truly spectacular.
    I hope you are well, you've been keeping a low profile of late, so i hope you're ok,
    love Di..xx

  16. There is nothing like receiving postcards, so much better than any SMS or tweet, so happily send you one when we are travelling Anne.


Thank you to everyone for commenting, it certainly makes my day. A pleasure to see everyone of you. Old and New.. Blogging not only opens up the world but gives us new friends.