Friday 15 July 2011

The Manger - The White Horse - Oxfordshire..

I might not be able to get out and about
my husband can!!

A few weeks ago he went

Click on photos to enlarge

This one is brilliant!!

I hope he has more to come ..... !!
I think they are great.

I do have my Paris, Rouen and Italy photos
still to sort out .. this is just a little interlude :-)


  1. very nice pictures!I can see you are having good time:)

  2. Those are fantastic photos. But is that horse sticking its tongue out at me?
    Your Friend, m.

  3. My favourites are the thistle shots. Have a good weekend Anne or try to I know it is difficult when you are not very mobile.

  4. Anne those photos are amazing..... Hope that you are going a bit better and managing to get around a bit more. take care Diane xx

  5. FABULOUS FOTOS! Especially the macros...wish I could take photos like these! HOpe you're doing better! Sending hugs!

  6. WOW! These photos are fabulous.

  7. Beautiful picture of the English countryside - you make me homesick! Can't wait to visit England again - hope you are on the mend

  8. Hi Anne,

    I enjoyed these pics! The flowers are simply exquisite. And look at that funny horse :)
    Thumbs up, Arni :)

    I tried photographing bees once or twice and it look tons of patience.
    These pics are smashing.

    Continue getting better xox

  9. Hi Anne. Good to see you here. Do hope that your mobility is gradually getting a bit easier. It must be so frustrating for you! Waow! Those shots were amazing. Like LindyLouMac in Italy, I really loved the thistle ones, and that last shot is quite stunning. Worthy of a photography competition I would have thought! Take care.

  10. Oh wow! I love those shots - the thistle ones are brilliant! Have a great day!

  11. I love the fact that you're sending hubby on photo assignments ;-) Great job, they're lovely! I do hope your leg heals soon, it really can't be fun to be in your situation. Have a lovely weekend, I hope your friend is back soon to keep you company :-) Love from London xo

  12. I love the bee but that sassy horse is the best.

  13. Beautiful! and oh the English countryside and the sheep...So romantic..
    Hope you feel well soon, Anne and looking forward to seeing your pics of Rouen! :-)

  14. So sweet of your husband to come home with photos. Like bringing home the bacon while you are laid up. Are you catching up on all your blog reading or are you bored, bored, bored? Great photo of the bee flying.

  15. I came by because I read your lovely comment on Thisisme's post.
    I have been so excited since I arrived at your it's not too much wine...well, maybe a litttle! I used to live in Bicester so I know this area. I haven't been back for a long time but your photographs are wonderful and made me long to drive down. I then discovered you like Formula 1!! whoop whoop. Then - you have photos of my favourite places still to's brilliant here. I think I'll hang around for a while. Don't mind me.
    I've signed up as one you followers.
    It's a pleasure to 'meet you'
    Warm wishes from rural Staffordshire.

  16. Great idea to send you other half out to gather photos for your blog. Hopefully won't be too long before you are up and about and feeling much better. I love the thistle shots but my favourite is the cheeky horse. What a great shot!

  17. Hello Anne, hope are getting stronger and getting better :) Your husband's photos are very good and yes, the last one is mesmerizing! I love it... take care my dear friend ;)

  18. Woow, pictures are amazing!

  19. Gorgeous photos, yes. Hope you'll soon be out there with him. x

  20. Lovely photos. Hope you can get out and about soon, Anne. xx

  21. Hi Ann,
    glad you like those yurts...i've been reading the reviews of customers too, principally from England and Ireland and everybody's just raving about it. You should come and try it some day ! :-)

  22. Fantastic shots! Look forward to Rouen, one of my favourite French towns.

  23. Beautiful countryside, great photography!


Thank you to everyone for commenting, it certainly makes my day. A pleasure to see everyone of you. Old and New.. Blogging not only opens up the world but gives us new friends.