Monday 1 March 2010

Spring is around the corner…


  I hope it is!!!


  1. Bonjour ANne,
    Oh those green shoots look so beautiful. I'm ready for Spring!

  2. Our daffs are already in bloom and my tulips are almost completely up. My rhododendrons have buds on them and the cherry trees and magnolias are all in bloom! It is unbelieveable for us that all this is happening so early! But heck, I'll take it any day rather than winter! :D

  3. Me too!!! I hope, it was chilly this morning -2c.
    The sunrises are getting earlier (6:53) as well, soon, no more pictures. I'll have to chase sunsets over country fields.

  4. Oooh, I'm ready, too. The last few days have been *beautiful* here in Calabria!

  5. I hope so too! I am already looking forward to gardening and summer holidays.

  6. This is what I love best about spring, when the fresh green shoots appear. I love it so much. Hope to see some at Anglesey Abbey tomorrow.

  7. Bonjour Anne,

    How promising to see once again those tender green shoots.
    We are all waiting for Spring; ready to gradually drop our bulky clothing and breathe again !!


  8. Hello Anne,
    Sorry I've not been able to visit of late..techy probs with PC, so I'm just catching up.
    Glad you had a lovely anniversary and that hubby is back home must miss him when he's away.
    We have crocus popping their little heads up in the garden and the daffodils are showing their shoots ready to burst into bloom.


  9. Now that thought has cheered me up. x


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