Sunday 27 January 2008

Our Cat....

loves the laptop!!!!


  1. OOHHHH Anne I so miss not having a cat...someone who loves you what ever... someone to greet you every time you come home... someone to curl up with on the settee.....

    Yours looks beautiful ( I cannot remember her name )

  2. Sally its a "he"..called Domino.

    Yes he doesn;t leave us alone, in the kitchen , between us on the sofa, when on the computer, which ever we turn, he is there!!!

  3. awww! this makes me miss our 2 cats even more. they loved lying on our laptops as well :)

  4. yep I used to have 2 brother and sister Ziggy and tiger.... ziggy lived till she was 15 me and the boys were so upset when we had to have her put to sleep...on valentines day of all days.

  5. He looks friend Cathy is a true cat lover and currently has a Siamese named Miko. He drapes himself around her neck 'cuz he loves a cuddle.

  6. My cat is sitting in my lap as I write this wanting some attention. He hasn't ever draped himself on my computer for some reason.

  7. What a cutie! I think if we didn't have our westie, a cat would surely be running this house..or at least hanging around the pc when I'm working.

  8. You can't accuse him of being after the mouse either! (Assuming your laptop doesn't have a mouse; if it does my attempt at a joke fails miserably!)

  9. Hi everyone thanks for the great comments.

    Leslie, Dom drapes himself everywhere!! Especially where we are, bed, settee, table, he has to be in on the action.

    Linda, Dom is never far from one of us:-)

    Rowena, he can be cute!! but not when attempts to wake me up in the morning to feed him..never goes to hubby's side, unless I am not here.

    Liz, sorry joke failed, I have a mouse with my laptop, can;t work without one. Yes that is what he is normally after, but tonight he is asleep, on the carpet but right next to me. :-)

  10. Bless him. Cats know where the warmest place in the house is. Always. And you can find them there!

  11. Aw what a cutie! And what a great name! In the words of Van Morrison..."Oh oh Domino!"

  12. Hi Shirl..he sure can find the warmest places...the bathroom, the kitchen floor with pipes underneath, yes you name it he will be there.

    Thanks WL..he does look cute!!

    Hi Sognatrice, thanks for visiting..never thought of his name like that, my youngest son named him Domino because he was black and white..simple he said.!!!


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