Today was quite a quiet day. We had a lazy morning, and had lunch before we ventured out. This time we went to Como. We drove there, but hopefully we will take the ferry next time. We saw the Cathedral, which was very spectacular, didn’t go inside though. And then we walked down to the lakeside and saw all the ferries coming in. It is a very busy vibrant town. After a coffee overlooking the lake, we took ourselves off into the back streets..shopper’s paradise. It was so busy, so many shoe shops, bag shops, cafes, gift shops…oh I could go on. When we arrived there, most of the shops were shut for lunch, but they soon came alive…. loved it.
I saw some beautiful Christmas decorations, but wouldn’t want to chance getting them back to the UK. Lovely tins with Pannetone inside, you would buy them just for the tin, but I love pannetone…much more to my taste than Christmas cake or mince pies.

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ReplyDeleteHi, Anne. I prefer panettone too. What a shopper's paradise you visited!