Monday 6 May 2013

Flying High in the Sky .....

Just popped out into the garden
looked up and saw something in the sky...
I thought quickly , must run upstairs
and get my big camera .. (Nikon)
and set it up (lol)


and then they were gone!!


  1. How exciting! Looks like unexpected guests decidedto drop in! :-)

  2. Waow! How amazing! You captured some great shots there, Anne! Isn't it wonderful to see that gorgeous blue sky ?!

  3. Hi Anne,
    What an amazing capture! I loved it :)
    Always have a space reserved for unexpected guests!!
    Cheers xox

  4. Wow, great photos a a fantastic capture. Bravo. A bientot. Diane xx

  5. Hi Anne, well done for capturing this :-) Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hi, Anne. Thanks for dropping by and visiting my Mosaic Monday. You asked how I did it...I use Photoshop and then dropped my photos into a digital scrapbooking template. You can find many, many free ones online. The first site I used was Scrap Girls and they are great

    They also sell themed kits.


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